Te Ara Tupua: Ngā Ūranga to Pito-One

Developing active mode transportation links in Wellington while improving resilience for critical infrastructure.

Te Ara Tupua is a three-section walking and cycling link between Wellington and Lower Hutt, with Ngā Ūranga to Pito-One being the middle component. This 4.5 km, 5-metre-wide path sits on the seaward side of the Hutt Valley Railway, and has been designed to act as both a vital transport link for citygoers preferring to walk or cycle rather than use the motorway or train, as well as a barrier of protection against rising sea levels.

HEB as part of the alliance team delivering this project is tasked with constructing the shared path, numerous ūranga (landings), revetments and seawalls for coastal defence, and offshore bird habitats. To keep our people safe during the build, we’re utilising an innovative new technology called digital shields, which allows our team to work safely near the rail corridor during rail operations. The “shield” stops excavators from entering or swinging over the tracks, removing the risk of collision with passing trains.

Our work

Construction of a 4.5 km shared walking and cycling path, 5 metres wide.

Delivering an architectural shared path bridge at Ngā Ūranga to provide access over the railway.

Building six ūranga (landings) at key sites along the path, to provide areas for planting, landscaping, gathering, resting, viewing areas and habitats for wildlife.

Installing 2.7 km of sloping coastal revetment to protect the shared path and ūranga from the Wellington harbour.

Installing six seawalls, totalling approximately 600 metres in length.

Construction of numerous small offshore habitats for coastal birds, made of naturalised rock forms at least 40 metres from the shoreline.


Waka Kotahi NZTA





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