Our work is integral to
how New Zealanders
live, work and play
– we’re building the future.”
Mark Evans – CEO
Click to explore our core expertise
At HEB, we deliver outcomes.
Our service combines all the ingredients needed to create success: a trusted network of partners, a long history of experience in the industry, a collaborative approach to project delivery, deep connections to our communities, and a world-class team covering every aspect of construction and maintenance, from design to delivery.
And why does it all work so well? Because we care. We care for our people, our environment, our communities, our tikanga, our value chain. We strive to ensure everyone’s needs are accounted for at each stage of the process. Sometimes this means creating innovative solutions through early contractor involvement (Queenstown Recreation Reserve, or Omāroro Water Reservoir) working hand in hand with clients to ensure smooth business operations during construction and maintenance (6 Wharf, Auckland Systems Management and Selwyn Maintenance). Other times it means working with local iwi on sensitive areas (Ahaura Bridge), or simply taking the time to protect and preserve our native wildlife such as rehoming local lizards before beginning earthworks (Omāroro Water Reservoir), caring for our native birds, tress, flora and fauna (Mt Messenger) protecting our sea mammals on our coastlines (NCTIR, 6 Wharf).
Regardless of the project specifics, by forming strong partnerships with clients and other contractors, fostering a powerful work culture to ensure we have the best people for the job, and maintaining a connection with community groups and iwi, we’re prepared for any eventuality.
HEB – at the heart of
building a better future
Maungawhau / Mt Eden Tihi Boardwalk
Showcasing a sacred site with
award-winning sensitivity.