3 Waters

‘Ka ora te wai, ka ora te whenua, ka ora ngā tāngata’
‘If the water is healthy, the land is healthy, the people are healthy’

Our Team at HEB Construction are committed to improving our communities we work and live in.

Water (wai) is a key component of our communities health and well-being. It is the provider of life.

Building and maintaining quality, sustainable and resilient 3 Waters infrastructure and networks, in collaboration with communities and likeminded delivery partners is key to how Aotearoa New Zealand functions today and prepares for the future.

From catchment to discharge, and catchment to tap, we provide solutions that meet the demands of today and provide the capability and capacity to deal with tomorrow. We employ the latest in technology, use tested methods, and hold diverse skill sets and experience that provides confidence and trust in designing solutions, implementing programmes and delivering construction projects.

We’ve completed projects such as the Pukekohe Wastewater Treatment Plant and Clarks Beach Reservoir. Currently we’re working on the Omāroro Water Reservoir – which will more than double Wellington’s current capacity – the Waiari Pipeline, Queenstown’s Recreational Ground Wastewater Conveyance Scheme, as well as maintaining Hamilton 2 Waters Maintenance Renewal Contract.